International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners
Vol 17, No. 4 December 2015
Since we have changed the format of the newsletter into a completely electronic version, it has been noted that it is difficult for contributors to share their published articles with colleagues. We can now offer to convert any submission into a pdf acknowledging that this is an ISOPP newsletter article and stating the volume number and date. This can then be shared on-line or with work colleagues or printed for your own records. Simply request this service by emailing newsletter@isopp.org. If your submission has already been published in an earlier edition of the on-line newsletter, you can still make the request. I hope you find this service useful.
Jill Davis
ISOPP Newsletter Editor
newsletter@isopp.org |
Message from the President
By Rowena (Moe) Schwartz, Pharm.D., BCOP
ISOPP Strategic Plan: An Evolution from Planning to Implementation
As the end of the calendar year approaches, I usually find myself reflecting on the past year. This year my thoughts are much more focused on the upcoming year. I find myself frequently thinking about ISOPP, our future and the opportunities for this vital organization. I believe 2016 will be a year of action as we implement our Strategic Plan.
Strategic Plan 2015:
The last year has been busy for ISOPP as we took steps to assure the organization is positioned for the future. ISOPP members, partners and leadership provided their ideas that served as the foundation for the strategic planning meeting in August 2015. I initially thought that the two-day meeting was going to be the biggest challenge of strategic planning; I have learned that the real work is taking the plan created by the group and putting those ideas into action. Great ideas need to be developed into a feasible action plan, and ultimately this plan will be discussed with ISOPP members. The Secretariat continues the work of taking the idea(s) of the strategic plan to an actionable work plan. The next step is to share this with membership for feedback. We will be presenting the plan to ISOPP membership in April at the ISOPP XV in Santiago, Chile.
A focus of the strategic plan discussion was the need to increase ISOPP's role in global efforts of oncology pharmacy. ISOPP has a long history of advancing oncology pharmacy care throughout the world, and the strategic plan focuses on strategies to better engage and mobilize the oncology pharmacy community. As an international organization, we have a unique opportunity to work with oncology and pharmacy organizations throughout the world to develop resources to promote optimal patient care for the individual with cancer.
I wish you, and your family, a happy and healthy New Year. I hope to see you in Santiago.  Rowena (Moe) Schwartz
Oncology Around the World
 Pharmacy Practice and Pharmacoeconomics Revolution in India - A Beginning
By Anantha Naik Nagappa, MCOPS, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India and Asim Priyendu, Research Scholar, MCOPS, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India
The Association of Community Pharmacy of India (ACPI) and Kautilya's Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (KSPOR) are the two NGOs propagating pharmacy practice and pharmacoeconomics in the Indian healthcare system. The Indian healthcare system requires both these aspects to be introduced in order to modernize the healthcare delivery to compare with other parts of the world. The current healthcare system is dominated by the pharmaceutical industry and by private practitioners who run their own clinics. The collaborative relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and the prescriber is posing the challenge of poor healthcare facilities for the average Indians and at a high cost. This has happened as the government's inclination is towards promotion of industrial growth rather than public health. In India, there are more than 100,000 brand formulations available in the market out of six hundred active pharmaceutical ingredients. There are heavy marketing practices across the country leading to inefficient healthcare delivery. In order to address the public health need, the NGOs have formed consortium called ACPI-KSPOR at a national Indian level. The ACPI-KSPOR jointly promote pharmacy practice by encouraging the pharmacist and pharmacy students to provide home based pharmaceutical care to the patients and health consumers by visiting them 8-9 times in 100 days.
Panel discussion at the 2nd Annual National Convention ISPOR INDIA-KARNATAKA |
 Report of the 47 th Congress of the International Society of Pediatric Oncology
By Tiene Bauters, Clinical Pharmacist, Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium
The 47th Congress of the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP) took place from 8-11 October 2015 in Cape Town, South Africa. More than 1400 participants from over 94 countries attended this international event. SIOP is one of the largest international, professional organizations dedicated to pediatric oncology and is an important partner in advancing knowledge in all aspects of childhood cancer. It provides educational opportunities and serves as a platform for international exchange for physicians, pharmacists, nurses, psychologists, parents, patients, survivors and volunteers. Some of the highlights that might be of interest for pharmacists are presented here.
Singapore Visit
By Carole R Chambers, B.Sc.(Pharm) MBA FCSHP FISOPP AHS Pharmacy - Director, Cancer Services, Tom Baker Cancer Clinic Pharmacy, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
One of my favourite things to do when I travel is to visit ISOPP members in their workplaces. I had such an opportunity recently in Singapore and in one day visited the National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS), the National University Health System (NUHS), and the Hematology Unit at the Singapore General Hospital. The hospitality shown to me by all the staff was amazing and in particular I wish to thank Lita Chew, Vivianne Shih, Siew Woon LIM, Yuet Peng Wong, and Ng Hong Yen.
As oncology pharmacists, we all share common issues but there are some very creative things happening that I saw and wanted to comment on here and share with other ISOPP members. At the NCCS, they have started a new service for a pharmacist review; it is embedded right into the hospital referral and appointment system similar to any other health professional service. In addition, I was fortunate to see a new technology they are trying in filming their sterile preparation hood work. All three hospitals have introduced coding of all of their dispensary bins as a 'pre-bar coding' step to reduce errors.
| Vivianne Shih, Carole Chambers and Ng Hong Yen visit the Singapore General Hospital |
 Brazilian Society of Oncology Pharmacists - SOBRAFO - Working to keep pharmacists' knowledge updated
By Annemeri Livinalli, Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacêuticos em Oncologia, Sao Paulo, Brazil
SOBRAFO was formed 15 years ago and works hard to provide oncology information updates to the maximum possible number of oncology pharmacists in Brazil. As Brazil is a very big country, it is difficult to promote our own events in all regions. Fortunately, to assist SOBRAFO to execute this purpose, we count on other societies such as the Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology (SBOC) and the Brazilian Society of Cancerology that, although they are medical societies, promote the integration of other professionals in their meetings. Thus they include in their scientific program symposiums for pharmacy, nutrition and psychology among others.
This year, as result of this opportunity, SOBRAFO participated in these two congresses promoting our symposium, held in Brasilia (March 2015) and in Foz do Iguaçu (September 2015). It was an opportunity for more than a hundred pharmacists to participate at each meeting, not only in our symposium, but to interact with other clinical streams thus providing a truly diversified educational program.
|  Cancerology congress: Annemeri Livinalli, Elaine Lazzaroni (Scientific Director), Mario Jorge Sobreira (President), Ney Moura (Vice President of Scientific Technical)
Introducing ISOPP Member Clement Chung
By Clement Chung, Lyndon B Johnson General Hospital, Houston, TX, USA
Clement Chung currently works as a hematology/oncology clinical pharmacist specialist in a Health system that is otherwise known as a safety-net system for patients who are underserved and uninsured in the Houston metropolitan area of Texas, USA. He is currently board certified in both oncology pharmacy (BCOP) and pharmacotherapy (BCPS) and has been the primary author for a number of peer-reviewed articles. [Including VJC issue #23 in JOPP. Ed] He also serves as an invited reviewer for some academic journals.
Of Chinese descent, Clement is fluent in both spoken and written Chinese and English. He is an avid "scholar" in literature and history and spent his childhood and teenage years in Hong Kong and later moved to U.S.A. and completed his undergraduate and graduate professional education from the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington where he lived for over two decades prior to moving to Houston in 2013 with his daughter and wife. Clement has been a very motivated and independent learner (from his prior one-year medical school background) and enthusiastic patient advocate since his burgeoning days in oncology pharmacy as early as 2001.
Clement Chung, ISOPP member
 Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (COSA) Report - Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) 2015
The COSA ASM was held in Hobart, Australia in November 2015 during an unusually welcoming and sunny week. It was attended by about 60 oncology pharmacists in a much larger attendance of approximately 300. The theme was "Rare cancers, common goals" highlighting the need to understand rare cancers by fostering research and collaboration.
The program consisted of a one-day Clinical Pharmacy Development course, followed by a three-day multidisciplinary meeting.
The Clinical Development course focused on a number of areas including:
- National Safety and Quality Health Standards and how they relate to Australian Practice of oncology, and oncology pharmacy in particular.
- The advantages and limitations of electronic prescribing were again addressed as more sites begin journeying towards full adoption. Some lessons learned were that the actual process of writing up a paper chart can give a good opportunity for the prescriber to reflect on prescribed medications doses and perhaps realise something is out of the ordinary, but this does not occur with electronic prescribing, which leans more towards picking up errors in data entry.
- Antibody-drug conjugates (ADC) offer a novel method of targeted drug delivery. Some initial research into this area did not result in successfully marketed products but this is likely to change shortly. Trastuzumab Emtansine (TDM-1, Kadcyla) and Brentuximab Vedotin (Adcetris) are examples of marketed ADCs. There are over 30 currently in the pipeline.
Shaun O'Connor, Eastern Health, Melbourne, Australia
2015 Pezcoller Foundation-ECCO Recognition for Contribution to Oncology
For 2015, in collaboration with ECCO - The European CanCer Organisation, the Pezcoller Foundation-ECCO Recognition for Contribution to Oncology is awarded to a single individual for their professional life dedication to the improvement of cancer treatment, care and research.
Klaus Meier has been the cornerstone and a pioneer of oncology pharmacy in Europe. He launched ESOP (European Society of Oncology Pharmacy) in 2000 and currently represents over 3000 members from more than 27 countries. He introduced QUAPOS (quality standard for oncology pharmacy practice), which is now standard across Europe. Due to his continued efforts, in many European countries, pharmacists are now indispensable as an integrated member of the clinical oncology team. ESOP standards are now being adopted in many non-European countries, and is used as a model for implementing or updating local practices and legal guidelines. Dr Meier is a pharmacist who has contributed worldwide to promote the role of the pharmacist in a multi-professional approach to cancer patient care.
Klaus Meier (ISOPP President 1998-2000 and recipient of the Helen McKinnon Award)
Celebrating 20 years of ISOPP
Interview with Rosalyn Sims, Children's Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, Michigan, USA
By Tiene Bauters, Clinical Pharmacist, Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium
Tiene: How and when did you come in contact with the organization?
Rosalyn: I attended my first ISOPP meeting in Washington, DC in 1998. I was a new hem/onc pharmacist with no experience and wanted to attend a meeting. ISOPP was recommended to me when I asked another hem/onc pharmacist what meeting I should attend.
Tiene: Why were you impressed by the organization?
Rosalyn: I liked that ISOPP was specifically for pharmacists. I feel that the other large hematology or oncology organizations are more focused on physicians. I was very impressed with the international aspect of ISOPP and that everyone is so friendly. I really liked the fact that you could network with colleagues from all over the world. I had no idea at that first meeting that each symposium would move to a different country and that I would soon meet some really nice people from places such as Australia, Canada, England, Kenya, Spain and Belgium, just to name a few, not to mention colleagues in other parts of the USA.
Rosalyn Sims at the Children's Hospital of Michigan
ISOPP Business and News
 Membership Renewal
Did you see an email in your inbox about renewing your membership? The subject line was "Personalize Link 2016 Membership Renewal". It's an important email because it gives you direct access to your ISOPP member account where you can tick the box that says "Yes, I want to continue being an ISOPP member. I really appreciate being connected to oncology pharmacists from around the world who have a huge impact on our profession." (The box doesn't actually say that, but that's what it implies...)
Did you know that when you renew year to year, doors open for you? You qualify for reduced ISOPP Symposium rates. You can state on your Awards and Grants application that you are an ISOPP member for the required number of years. With each passing year, your conversations with fellow members deepen and start to have a real impact. You start being nominated for awards and special opportunities because members recognize you and your work.
The Secretariat looks forward to your continue support of ISOPP - it means a lot to ISOPP and to our profession.
- A reminder that we are now processing fees in Canadian funds - if you haven't verified your new membership fee, view the membership fee by category type table.
- If you need your personalize link email to renew for 2016 resent, email Glenda Freeman at membership@isopp.org.
 ISOPP Symposium Travel Grant - Deadline is January 18, 2016
Do you want to go to ISOPP 2016 in Santiago, Chile, but do not have enough funds?
Take a few minutes to apply for an ISOPP Travel Grant to attend the Symposium. Up to five travel grants will be awarded, so let your ISOPP colleagues know about this so that you can go together!
The deadline to apply is Monday, January 18, 2016.
Also, a guide has been prepared that will help you garner the support you need by offering practical strategies to justify the expense of attending ISOPP 2016. There is also a letter template you can use to assist you in selling your meeting proposition to your manager.
 Grants and Awards - Deadlines are Approaching
ISOPP offers several amazing opportunities to be supported in your research and recognized by your colleagues. The deadlines to apply or be nominated for ISOPP grants and awards are fast approaching. Make note:
Research grants: Deadline to apply is Monday, February 15, 2016
We invite all ISOPP members at universities, hospitals and research institutions to submit applications for grants focused on oncology pharmacy research in pre-clinical, clinical, translational or practice related areas.
Helen McKinnon Award: Deadline to receive nomination letters is Monday, February 29, 2016
This award was created to honor Helen McKinnon, who was instrumental in the formation of our society. It recognizes members who have made significant contributions to ISOPP or have made a sustained contribution to oncology pharmacy practice.
Fellowship Awards: Deadline to apply and receive nomination letters is Monday, February 29, 2016
The ISOPP Fellowship Award is intended to recognize excellence in oncology pharmacy practice. It provides recognition and promotes global awareness of pharmacists who have distinguished themselves in the field.
Achievement Awards: Deadline to receive nomination letters is Monday, February 29, 2016
The ISOPP Achievement Award recognizes an ISOPP member who has made a significant contribution to, or has provided leadership in, developing or supporting an innovative technical or clinical oncology pharmacy service.
Full details for each grant and award (including eligibility criteria and application steps) are located on the ISOPP website - sign in as a member and go to the Grants & Awards page.
The Awards Task Force looks forward to receiving your applications and your nominations for your fellow colleagues.
 Top Five Reasons to Attend ISOPP 2016
#1 - Education
When you participate in a highly education-enhancing Symposium such as ISOPP 2016, you will be part of a comprehensive program. The program will address leading edge topics during five plenary, two panel and nine concurrent sessions. New ideas will be shared in posters and platform presentations and up-to-date information presented in sponsored satellite symposia and sponsor and exhibitor displays.
#2 - Celebration
Join colleagues and other oncology pharmacy practitioners from around the world in celebration of ISOPP's first 20 years and ISOPP's future successes in connecting and informing oncology pharmacy practitioners everywhere.
#3 - Connections
From the Opening to the Closing Ceremonies, you will be surrounded by oncology pharmacy practitioners from around the world who are facing the same issues, solving the same problems and celebrating the same successes - all with a different lens. Consider the connections you will make that will help you advance your profession from so many different angles.
#4 - Global Perspective
You will gain a global perspective of oncology pharmacy practice. The role of the oncology pharmacist continues to grow and evolve in South America and around the globe. Don't miss this one-time chance to get essential updates from 40 international and locally invited speakers. Reduced fees are available to attendees from Chile.
#5 - Chile
Chile is a World Class wine destination and home to the stunning Andes Mountains. Come explore Chile's fascinating capital Santiago and be tempted by the extraordinary scenery and adventures other parts of Chile has to offer.
Register now to save up to 150 Euro!
The program at a glance is available on the ISOPP 2016 website. Speaker and session details are added as they become available.
 Virtual Journal Club
The most recent Virtual Journal Club Survey is available on the ISOPP Website. Access the twenty-third issue of the VJC by following the direct link.
"Tyrosine kinase inhibitors for epidermal growth factor receptor gene mutation-positive non-small cell lung cancers: an update for recent advances in therapeutics."
Clement Chung
J Oncol Pharm Practice. Epub April, 2015
Learning Objectives: - Improve the current level of knowledge regarding tyrosine kinase inhibitors for epidermal growth factor receptor gene mutation-positive non-small cell lung cancers.
- Gain familiarisation with clinically relevant EGFR gene mutations associated with sensitivity (i.e. sensitizing mutations) to small molecule EGFR TKI associated with lung cancer.
- Identify efficacy/toxicity of small molecule epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors as targeted therapies for the gene mutations associated with lung cancer.
- Update on current non-small cell lung cancers guidelines in-particular EGFR gene mutation testing should now be conducted in all patients with lung adenocarcinoma or mixed lung cancers with an adenocarcinoma component, regardless of characteristics such as smoking status, gender or race.
Previous issues
The twenty-second issue can be accessed by following the direct link.
"Does gastric acid suppression affect sunitinib efficacy in patients with advanced or metastatic renal cell cancer?"
Vincent H Ha, Margaret Ngo, Michael P Chu, Sunita Ghosh, Michael B Sawyer and Carole R Chambers
Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice published online March 24, 2014.
Learning Objectives:
- Determine if gastric acid suppression affects sunitinib efficacy in patients with advanced or metastatic renal cell cancer
- Identify patients at risk of interaction with tyrosine kinase inhibitors and gastric acid-supressing agents
- Reliably measure determinants that place individuals at risk of cancer progression due to inadequate systemic concentrations of a tyrosine kinase inhibitor.
- Improve the current level of knowledge regarding tyrosine kinase inhibitors drug-drug interactions.
The twenty-first issue can be accessed by following the direct link.
"Multiple myeloma maintenance therapy: A review of the pharmacologic treatment"
Published online before print January 6, 2014
Learning Objectives:
- Incorporate available and emerging maintenance treatment options into personalized therapeutic strategies for patients with multiple myeloma
- Provide appropriate care and counsel for multiple myeloma patients and their families
- Manage adverse effects and safety issues associated with the treatment of multiple myeloma, including educating patients about symptoms to monitor and report
As a reminder, ISOPP's Virtual Journal Club features online articles from the Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice (JOPP). Members are encouraged to read articles and then answer a series of multiple choice questions through the Virtual Journal Club Surveys.
After completing the questionnaire, a certificate will be emailed to you. Although not formally accredited for continuing medical education (CME) points, participation is equal to one hour of CME activity.
Members are also encouraged to use the Member Discussion Forum to stimulate discussion about articles they have read. Your ISOPP membership provides many great benefits and we are hopeful you will find the Virtual Journal Club another asset to your oncology pharmacy practice.
Felice Musicco
Publications Chair
ISOPP's Society & Symposium Management Office
Sea to Sky Meeting Management is ISOPP's Society and 2016 & 2017 Symposium Management Office. If you have any questions about membership, services, ISOPP 2016, ISOPP 2017 or the Society, please contact the ISOPP Office directly as follows:
Direct: +1-778-338-4142 Fax: +1-604-984-6434
Suite 206, 201 Bewicke Avenue
North Vancouver, BC Canada V7M 3M7